Friday, 31 January 2014

It's Been a While

A long while. November came and went with pomp and glory. December flew past in a blaze. The new year burst out like a phoenix from the ashes and rang out with optimism and promise, and now January is over.

It really has been a while, but I'm still alive.

NaNoWriMo was a blast. It's something that I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants to write, whether you're a fledgling dreamer or a full-fledged author with titles and accolades to your name. You get to meet and interact with hundreds of writers from all over the world, you have a goal set for you to work towards, and best of all, this event gives you discipline.

Previously, I would procrastinate and put off my writing, blaming it on the usual 'writer's block'. Thing is, in NaNoWriMo, if you want to finish the challenge, you can't use writer's block as an excuse for too long or else, you'll run out of time. Everyday, come what may, you sit and write. Whether it bee 500 words, or 1000, or 2000, or even more, you write. And that habit stayed with me even after November got over.

And I won the challenge, in case you were wondering. I took a break from my light-hearted or bittersweet short stories and my epic fantasy manuscript, and wrote a short sci-fi novel. I've uploaded it on Wattpad. If you'd like to read it there, here's the link below:

If you're not that fond of reading on Wattpad, I'll start putting it up here.

And another little piece of news, 'The Hatter's Wife' was published in an online magazine called HelterSkelter. You can check it out at:

So it's been a busy four months. Along with that, I've got a manuscript in the editing pot, which is coming along beautifully and hopefully, should be off the fire and ready to read before May. Somewhere in between, I have to adjust my schedule for Game of Thrones Season 4. No way in HELL am I missing that.

So busy busy.

Again, sorry for not being here for so long, but I'm alive, I'm kicking, and I'm still reading and writing, so stay tuned for stuff.