Saturday, 22 September 2012

Down the Rabbit Hole

"The  reason one writes isn't the fact that he wants to say something. It's because he has something to say."  - F. Scott Fitzgerald.

And we all have things to say, don't we? We, as humans, as people, have things to say, things to share, because that is something engrained in our primary nature. We all take little pieces of our soul and offer it out to the world in the hope that someone will take that piece of us and give back a piece of themselves. We write because we want our voices heard, because we want the world to know that we are here, we are real, and we want to hear voices replying to us.

I'm an ordinary soul with a voice, with thoughts and fonts of words that I want to share with the world. I'm a daydreamer with her head in the clouds, a reader who makes time to read if she can't find any. I'm a bard who is a closet romantic, a writer for whom reality is sometimes just not enough.

I'm here to find like-minded people who love the worlds hidden within pages beyond the fabrics of reality that stands around us. I'm here to learn how to get my own stories out of the trappings of my laptop and out where I can share it with everyone. But more than anything, I'm here to make good friends and connect with all of you brilliant people!

So, good morning, afternoon, evening or night, depending on your time zone, and welcome to my world!


  1. Good one!

    These lines are really good.

    "We all take little pieces of our soul and offer it out to the world in the hope that someone will take that piece of us and give back a piece of themselves" and "We write because we want our voices heard"

    Following this blog..right now! Best wishes!

    1. Thanks Karthick! I'm glad you like them; hope you enjoy the stories! And thanks for following :)
