Thursday, 29 November 2012

Frankly, My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn...

I'm a terrible person. I'm a terrible person and a reckless procrastinator. I'm a terrible person because I'm a reckless procrastinator, and right now, frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Yes, I stole that last line. Couldn't help it really. Clark Gable was pretty much begging me to say that. It's like the time when I was studying for a test while sitting at my dad's table. When he came and told me that he wanted his table back, I stubbornly refused to budge until he said 'Get out of my chair!' like Prairie Dawn did to Grover when they were shooting 'Singing in the Rain' on Sesame Street.

Anyhoo, exams are almost up and I've been taking some time to do a wee bit more short story writing, mostly because I seem to have contracted a minor case of writer's block with my bigger writing project. Most of the said short stories have been elaborated responses to the prompts from Alice Kuipers's workshop on Wattpad. Delightful, really. I'm also looking forward to the Saarang Writing Awards in my own area soon enough. John and Rose have been on a bit of a lag, but I will get back to them soon.

Besides that, I've got half a shoe to finish painting. I've finished the left half of van Gogh's 'Starry Night'; I've just got the town part of the right half.

Moving on and drabbling me aside...

This one's an idea I got from one of the prompts. I love 'Great Expectations'; fantastic classic. And for the record, there really is a village in the Yorkshire Dales called Malham, a bit near Skipton. I did my research. And the story was submitted for the Saarang Writing Awards 2013.

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