Monday, 24 September 2012

Karma's a Bitch...or maybe not...

Hitler was an autocratic racist nut, they said,

Conan was a hooligan who'd strangle you in bed,

Vlad was a crazy psychopath who reveled in blood and strife.

I had to have been one of them in a former life.

A time my karma likes to hit is a night before a test;

It's always then that my alarm chooses to give me rest.

My teachers are mad sadists and unforgiving drones,

They'd probably run me down and over, ignore my dying moans.

I have a crazy stalker who thinks that he's my mate;

My hair always resembles snakes on the night of a big date.

My part-time boss smiles all the time, even when he yells,

The cashier there tries to sell me bogus creams and gels.

I burned my sleeve in Chem last week, my tuna lunch turned grey,

And my Never-Healing Ankle sprained again at Gym today.

I embarrass easily, I ramble in a rush,

A screaming fire engine hasn't a prayer against my blush.

I pour my woes out to my friends, who don't feel least bit sad,

They blame it on me being a klutz and on me being mad.

I get no sympathy from them, they just tell me to be strong.

When I escape away to Guam, like hell I'll take them along.

And now, I've walked into a guy and fallen on my bum.

Curse you, manic karma! You...oh bugger, you're Johnny Drumm!

"Why, hi, it's me, your future wife, you're looking fab today."

I'm glad that's what my traitorous mouth chose rightly not to say.

"I'm sorry, thank you, yes, I'm fine, did I give you a fright?

No? That's good...huh? Say what? Would I like to go out tonight?"

Looks like my luck's looking up!

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Joie de Vivre

Epiphanies come at the oddest of times, I've found. It's always when you least expect it, when you're doing something boring and humdrum, or worse, when you're raging through your work because you're inching too close to a Deadline of Doom. My current epiphany falls a bit into the latter category, but if I don't write this down now, I think my head just might bust.

I'm 21 years old, soon to complete 22, and in my final year of college. I'm an architecture student, and in the common habit of architecture students, I have general habits of being hotheaded, more than a bit mad and perhaps, more idealistic than I ought to be. I'm currently juggling three projects, one of which is due day after tomorrow. And just while I was placing finishing touches to a sketch, it suddenly hit me that while I love doing this (which I do, honestly, I do enjoy it), there is something that is starting to turn this into a chore. I'm not enjoying this as much as I should. I'm not loving this as much as I used to.

Maybe it's because of all the professors and pressure and all the whatnot, or maybe it's just me being naive and ridiculous, but why am I not able to love designing buildings as much as I did last year? What changed in those 365 1/4 days?

I mulled over it while taking a break to feed the stray cat visiting my doorstep. And while I did, two words leaped out at me from the swirly abyss of knick-knacks that is my mind, and it spoke with a booming voice that made me think of the monsters that would show up in the old kiddy TV shows I used to watch.

"FINAL YEAR," it roared at me.

I listened more carefully and the words seemed to warp into something else.


Bang. There it is. Hello.

Over the last few years, I had taken to writing down the stories that my funny little brain would come up with and one of those stories in particular took root like a seed and grew and grew until it seemed to block out the sun. Now, there is probably nothing in the world that I love more than that story of mine. I love that world. I love those characters. I love living their story and learning about them and finding out what they're going to do. And I find myself waiting to just get this one last year in college over with so that I can get underway with Project Publish.

But what about architecture?

Well, I need architecture. I enjoy it and I'm not about to let five long, hard years of work go to nothing. I can't survive on being a writer alone. I'll do both then. I'll have my love of buildings and my passion for stories. I won't lose them both; they both mean too much.

But then it got me thinking of what everyone else has been talking about. "I'll go, study my masters, get a job, get married." "I've got a family business, I'll get married." "I'll find a job, work for two years, do my masters, start my own firm, get married." And whenever anyone asks me, I just say, "Oh, I'll get a job and work a couple of years." "What next?" they ask. "Let me graduate first!" I tell them.

And it strikes me then: we are all so engrained into this system that we call life. I don't know if what I'm seeing is some twisted version of reality that my imagination is cooking up for me, if I'm just being a young person who thinks that they know everything, or if I'm seeing a shard of truth. But isn't that what it reduces to? Go to school, go to college, get a degree, get a job, earn money, get married, have children, raise them properly, retire. And when I think about what's coming after this year, I'm terrified out of my stripey socks.

Because I don't think it's all so black and white. I think there's so much more. I think it's possible for there to be so much more, even if they are to be found within the trappings of this system that we are invariably dragged into.

Because I want it to be so. I want to learn about everything that I can learn about. I don't want to just go and study a master's degree because it is expected of me. I want to see parts of the world I've only ever looked at in the pages of a book or in computer screens. I don't want to be stuck in a four-walled apartment or a picket fence house for years together. I want to work and earn money doing something that I love, so that it doesn't feel like a daily grind. I don't want a 9 to 5 job where I stare at a laptop screen and further ruin my already myopic eyes, doing something because someone is breathing down my neck and forcing me to. I want to fall completely and utterly in love with someone who'll play Scrabble on cold days, dance with me in the rain, discuss philosophy and Shakespeare and watch old movies and reruns of Doctor Who over hot chocolate and chips. I don't want to get married  to someone just to find out that he doesn't understand a word of what I say.

I want to know who I am and what defines me. I want to live and love to the fullest. I want to write every word that comes to me and share them with the world so that they can feel the magic that those words weave over me. I want to be extraordinary.

But how can I do that? I'll probably figure it out as I go along. I'm still young, but I feel something changing with every day that passes. I'm starting to seriously consider things that I used to dismiss into my 'Dreams Only' folder. Things will happen, I intend to make it so. And when reality comes around, I'll meet it, ready for its challenge.

For now, I've got a project to ramp up on. Ta!

Down the Rabbit Hole

"The  reason one writes isn't the fact that he wants to say something. It's because he has something to say."  - F. Scott Fitzgerald.

And we all have things to say, don't we? We, as humans, as people, have things to say, things to share, because that is something engrained in our primary nature. We all take little pieces of our soul and offer it out to the world in the hope that someone will take that piece of us and give back a piece of themselves. We write because we want our voices heard, because we want the world to know that we are here, we are real, and we want to hear voices replying to us.

I'm an ordinary soul with a voice, with thoughts and fonts of words that I want to share with the world. I'm a daydreamer with her head in the clouds, a reader who makes time to read if she can't find any. I'm a bard who is a closet romantic, a writer for whom reality is sometimes just not enough.

I'm here to find like-minded people who love the worlds hidden within pages beyond the fabrics of reality that stands around us. I'm here to learn how to get my own stories out of the trappings of my laptop and out where I can share it with everyone. But more than anything, I'm here to make good friends and connect with all of you brilliant people!

So, good morning, afternoon, evening or night, depending on your time zone, and welcome to my world!