Tuesday, 2 October 2012

My Tragic Love Story

Sometimes, it depresses me to think that the only standing existing angle of a love life that I've got is my relationship with my bed. It's a topic that I end up repeating quite often mostly because of the tumult and complexity of it. Honestly, it boggles my mind sometimes.

It's not a love-hate relationship and it's no Romeo and Juliet story. Actually, bad analogy. I never really liked Romeo and Juliet. Pair of stupid hormonal 14-year-old twerps, the two of them. Thanks a lot, Shakespeare. It's a good thing that you redeemed yourself with stuff like Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing.

It's more of doomed separation; you know, those rather pathetic cliches about the two lovers who can see each other from afar, but something stands in the way of their love.

Assignments and tests and design submissions form a deadly cocktail and being forced to drink it pulls me away from the comforts of my poor, cold bed.


I need sleep.

Mad, sleep-deprived me.

Anyhoo, since I haven't posted in a bit, I'm gonna put up a little tidbit story that I wrote once for a prompt on a workshop on Wattpad. It's quite a brilliant workshop for any writer who is reading this. It's run by a lady named Alice Kuipers, who posts weekly prompts to help improve your writing and she's pretty brilliant at critiquing. Anyhoo, I wrote this little thing for that and posted the short version there. This is the longer one, rather part one of it. The sequel shall come up a wee bit later.

And a small warning before moving on. If you're a Batman nut, I'm sending you virtual high-fives.

If you lean more towards Superman, you have my apologies. Personally, I'm on Rose's side. I only really like Superman for the merchandise and Christopher Reeve. So there.

Oh, and the following post was submitted as an entry for the Saarang Writing Awards 2013. Pip pip!

Update: A wee little string of words to say that the following post won first place in the Humor entries in Saarang Writing Awards. Woot!

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